
his year a local group of friends and I organized a small local event called "Book Thanksgiving" (since it was sandwiched in between Thanksgiving & Christmas).  We came together to celebrate books, and shared some of the more memorable books and book experiences we had this year.  We also did a white elephant book exchange wich was quite entertaining.  It was a wonderful event and one which will become an annual tradition most likely!

Here is an idea of the night's events if you are interested in scheduling your own!

What to bring:  
1)  3-5 books you read this year in a brown paper bag, as well as a rough list of books you read this year.
2)  A gift wrapped book that has inspired you, to be given away for the white elephant book exchange.
3)  One of your favorite "show & tell book items" (EX:  your favorite book cover, antique book, cool bookmark...etc.)
 4)  Beverages, snacks or a dessert

At the bottom of the email is a list of some of the "book questions" you may be asked during the nights discussion, if you have time to glance, think about or answer a few questions, before the night begins that would be great!  If not, no problemo & no pressure!  

Order of Events

Chapter 1
 Arrival, hors d' oeuvres, & show & tell book item

Chapter 2
Dinner & discussion prefaced by the question:  "What was your reading       experience this year?"

Chapter 3
Book Bag Guessing & Book Discussion Interviews, Accompanied with Excellent Questions

Chapter 4
White Elephant gift exchange, Poetry & Dessert

Here is a list of questions, of which a few we asked each other during the Book interview portion:

What was one of the best books you read this year (as you define it)?

And where would be the most ideal place to read that book?

What inspired you most about this book?

What kind of ethical challenges did you face as a reader this year?

What was your favorite book cover this year?

How many books were you given this year from friends?

How many pages did you skip in books you read this year?

What book did you regret reading this year?

How many books did you stop reading this year?

What category of book do you read the most?

How many books did you buy this year?

How many books did you check out at the library?

How many books are on your “to read” list?

How many books have you read vicariously, through someone else this year?

How many people do you know of read your book recommendations this year?

What was a single best line or passage from this year?

What was your longest continuous sit down read this year?

How many books in your library have you read?

What books have changed the way you think this year?

What character inspired you the most (fiction or non)?